The management of tasks and events plays an important role in the work of a team and also in the customer relationship management. It is most effective when managed centrally,
with the possibilities of sharing information about these activities, whether they are planned for the future or backlogged. Activity management is taking place inside the
organization as well as in relation to external subjects.
Internal Activities
Typical internal activities include:
Phone calls
CRM systems allow for planning and organizing various activities in the team. There is a possibility of sharing information on meetings with more participants, task scheduling,
arrangement of phone calls and meetings by other parties (such as an assistant), detailed record keeping of the purpose, location, participants, duration of individual activities,
or other data according to customer requirements.
External activities
Meetings and phone calls with customers play an important part in the business process. Regular contact with a customer allows to detect any additional needs, requirements or
solve arising problems. All activities associated with the customer can be connected directly to the customer inside the CRM system, which allows you to have instant access
and overview of each particular customer and thus respond flexibly to provision of customer service and the choice of optimal business strategy.
Activity Management